Monday, April 4, 2011

BTYC 2011 Officer Nominees

...and the nominees are:

Summer Linton is running for President and Vice President. She is 18 years old and a 2010 graduate of Bishop Union High School. She is currently a student at Cerro Coso Community College.

Brian Butterbredt is running for President and Vice President. He is 16 years old and currently a sophomore at Palisades Glacier High School.

Anna Butterbredt is running for President. She is currently a senior attending Palisades Glacier High School.

Katelyn Lent is running for President and Treasurer. She is 16 years old and currently a sophomore at Bishop Union High School.

Jocelyn Williams is running for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Raquel Anakalea is running for Vice President. She is 15 years old and currently a sophomore at Bishop Union High School.

Shanna McKenzie is running for Secretary and Treasurer. She is currently a sophomore at Bishop Union High School.

Ciera Miller is running for Secretary. She is 16 years old and currently a sophomore at Bishop Union High School.

Quanah Davis is running for Vice President. He is 16 years old and currently attending Palisades Glacier High School.

Garrett Rogers is running for President. He is 15 years old and currently attending Bishop Union High School.

Vonna Chandler (left photo below, second from right) is running for Historian. She is currently a freshman at Bishop Union High School.

Ballots may be picked up and turned in at WüNüT’ Novi (2490 Diaz Lane) on Sundays from 4-8pm or to your school’s Native Liaison. Voting will end on Sunday, April 10th at 8pm. All Native youth ages 13-23 are eligible to vote, regardless of tribal affiliation.

For questions, contact Kris @ 760-920-3389